From the problem to solution

From the problem to solution

The increasing amounts of waste of our globally rising prosperity present a challenge that demands a solution where the development of carbon dioxide during fossile incineration must be a thing of the past.

A sustainable waste management and resource conservation mitigate climate change and marine pollution.

We therefore learn to understand waste as an important secondary resource and to use it in a circular economic energy production that eliminates additional emissions of carbon dioxide.

We close the life cycle through/with the manufacturing of new products and contribute to the improvement of the carbon footprint:

  • Hydrogen as substitute for fossil energy
  • Carbon dioxide with >99.9 % quality for the food industry etc.
  • Synfuel raw material for chemical use or other purposes
  • Naphtha as important substitute raw material for until now fossil generated products in the chemical industry, e.g. the production of laundry soaps, cleansing agents and many other applications

Residual heat from the production process can be fed into a local heating system, also as substitute for fossil energy sources. The combination of plasma and pyrolysis technology in one plant for the generation of chemical products makes clean energy production possible – sustainable and largely independent from external energy sources.

Gasification processes with ultra-high temperatures and pyrolysis processes are proven and certified technologies already successfully in use.

NEW is the synergistic combination of both processes for energy optimization. The plant thus reaches greatest possible efficiency in a holistic manner. Our plants have very low air emissions that are trapped and treated according to the requirements. No further environmentally relevant emissions in water or ground occur.